Posts tagged: blue

Stressed Out? Let Blue Calm You

Feeling Stressed?Spring is such a beautiful time of the year – it’s my favorite season. Nature provides us with an abundance of colors and fragrances. Don’t all the yellows, pinks, whites and other colors of the blossoms give your mood a boost? They do mine!

You can use these colors to change your mood just by looking around you.  For example, when you’re stressed out, a color you can use is blue.  When you notice you’re starting to go into overload, find something blue … perhaps the sky, a pillow, car, picture, envelope etc.  Keep your eyes on the blue, allowing it to soak into your very being.  Focus on it, feel the blue in every cell of your body.

If you’re with others and someone happens to comment on your weird stare, just respond with “Oh I’m fine, just daydreaming.”

Breathe in that wonderfully tranquil blue color. Let it wrap you in its protective cocoon … through you, around you, within you.  Feel yourself going into a deeper state of tranquillity. Blue brings relaxation and calmness. If any part of your body feels irritated, tense or tied up in knots, breathe in and envision the blue light flowing in and out of that area.

Blue calms and cools.  Feel the stress and tension slip out of your body as you continue to focus on that wonderfully relaxing blue color. Notice how you’re slowing down your breathing and allowing every muscle group in your body to become loose and relaxed.

Immerse yourself in blue for a few minutes.  Notice how you’re not feeling as overwhelmed as you were before you started this exercise.  Aren’t you feeling more relaxed now?

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