Posts tagged: positive thoughts

Midlife Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk

Walking backwards I thought was real keen,
Browsing through what I’d already seen.
The downside was, if there was a pit,
I again fell headlong into it!

But I got tired of always being bound
By the past, by what I’d already found.

Walking sideways caught everybody’s eye.
They always said, “Now, there’s a careful guy!”
But, inching along at such a slow rate,
The downside was, I was usually late.

And I got tired of being left behind,
And began to look for a way to shine!

Walking tall always seemed to be the best,
Facing the challenge, testing the test,
Rattling the cymbal, banging the gong.
The downside was: noise died, I was gone.

I found myself without a clue
Not knowing where to go or what to do.

Then from within, a voice said to me,
“Stop trying to do. Let go. Just be.”
The pain of becoming is now my plight,
The downside is: I know the voice is right.

I try hard to walk the walk and just be,
But somehow, it keeps on eluding me.

I remember what happened before:
Ups and downs by the score;
But my fears of the unknown creep in,
And oops! I’m walking backward again.

— John Dean Williamsen-speaker, author

Do you find yourself frequently focusing on the past and allowing those thoughts and beliefs to shape your today and your tomorrow?  It’s been estimated that some 70%-80% of our daily thoughts are negative which means that you may be spending a considerable amount of time reliving past negative events. Doing so causes them to become more deeply imprinted in your mind. Isn’t it time to let them go?  Why not imprint positive thoughts.  It’s just as easy; they’re both just thoughts!

Action Step

Become aware of whether your thoughts about past events are positive or negative.

Enjoy the positive ones – they will uplift your energy.

Take your focus off the negative ones by finding something positive in the moment. Be grateful for whatever it is.  The more often you do so, the less you will find yourself pulled back to events that keep you locked in a cycle of negative patterns.

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