Posts tagged: responsibility

Are You Living By Your Choices or Someone Else’s?

We can choose to be responsible for our lives … or not! There is a great deal of power in knowing that it’s up to us.  If we don’t like the way our life is, we can choose to change it!  There is always a choice although it may not seem so at times.  Even doing nothing is a choice.

To illustrate, imagine for a moment, that you are driving down a road (in your shiny new car) in your neighborhood and:

There is a deep pothole on your side of the road … you drive in … you choose to get angry and feel helpless … it isn’t your fault (they should do something about the roads!) … it takes a lot of effort to get your car out.


There is a deep pothole on your side of the road but your mind is on other things … you drive in, not believing you’ve done it again … you choose to feel even more angry and helpless … it still isn’t your fault (they still haven’t fixed the road!) … again it takes a lot of effort to get your car out.


There is a deep pothole on your side of the road … you see it but drive in through force of habit … you know where you are … you choose to realize it is your fault … you get out very quickly.


There is a deep pothole on your side of the road … you choose to drive around it.


You choose to drive down another street.

We are not controlled by outside events, as difficult as that may be to believe when we are faced with desperate situations. We always have a choice as to how we feel and the action we take. Are you blaming others for your choices or taking responsibility for your own choices? 

Choose your thoughts wisely; they become words.
Choose your words wisely; they become actions.
Choose your actions wisely; they become habits.
Choose your habits wisely; they become character.
Choose your character wisely, it becomes your future!

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